Studying abroad
Erasmus+ program
ICART, the leading school in Art Management, based in Paris and Bordeaux is part of the Erasmus+ Charter 2021-2027, and offers its most deserving students the possibility to do a semester long exchange while obtaining the European scholarship.
The programs that are offered are similar or complementary to the ICART curriculum, and are taught either in English or in the language of the country (Spanish, etc.).
The credits validated during the mobility are transferred back to the ICART curriculum allowing the student to return to ICART without having to compensate for the semester spent abroad. The students re-join the program easily and under the best conditions.
Other study abroad programs
Besides the Erasmus+ Charter in Europe, we also sign agreements with universities around the world allowing our student to study abroad during one academic semester. The programs have been validated by ICART and the students must validate the number of credits as the program in France.
The selection of students permitted to study abroad is done through an application procedure. The financial aspects differ from one partner to another.